

Hail, traveler!

Welcome to THE premier internet fan site for the upcoming videogame masterpiece "BLOOD GOD" by maniasoft, as well as their previous videogame masterpiece "BLOOD OATH".
 - Excerpts from a book I'm writing about the history of maniasoft called "Masters of Blood"!
 - Screenshots, commentary and analysis of "BLOOD OATH"!
 - Everything we currently know about the hotly-anticipated sequel, "BLOOD GOD"! 
 - Interviews with visionary game director Kevin Kevinson and the rest of the maniasoft team!


Interview With KarieSomebody from the old maniasoft days emailed me last week, and it led to a conversation. She said I could post it. I posted it in 'Interviews'.
-haQ, 2019-10-12
KK's Last Interview
I've been looking around online the past couple days and, I found the last public appearance KK ever gave! I posted it in 'Interviews'.
-haQ, 2019-08-22
haQ signing off!Hey guys! Oops I mean uh: Hail, traveler! Haha.
I was just going through my old web hosting data and I saw that this website was still up. God, how long has it been? I can't believe I forgot about it for so long! When I started BGF it was... what, 1997? I was like, this little 14 year old kid. Those were the days, right?
I guess I'll just be honest: My doctor doesn't know what's wrong with me but he thinks maybe I've got some kind of rare cancer. He says I don't have much longer to go here, so... I was thinking maybe I'd look through my old web projects to see if there was anything I could submit to the Library of Congress or something. When I found this page I remembered some of the good times I had in this community back then! It looks like I even got to interview KK himself, which must've been like a dream come true...I was hoping I could find the old E3 screenshots for BGOD to remember what it looked like, but it seems like all the images on this site got corrupted somehow. Damn! It sucks because to be honest, I'm having a lot of trouble remembering anything about the game. They tell me I've got these weird like... holes, in my brain now? So maybe that's why I'm forgetting things, I dunno.
But it's just that... well, recently I talked with some of my oldschool gamer friends and it's like none of them remember BGOD. I get that it never actually came out and it was 'vaporware' or whatever but like, I thought KK and manic were all over the headlines back in the day. We were building this community for years, weren't we? And now it's like I don't remember where it all went.
Why don't I remember?
If you're out there reading this and you're from the old days, and you remember me or you remember anything about this game... could you please send an email to haQ@blood-god-fans? Thanks.Ok well, I think maybe this is the last post I'm ever gonna make here. Feels weird to be letting go! I love you guys; wish we could all be together again. Gonna do my silly sign-off one last time:
"in flam!"
-haQ, 2019-08-18
Taking a Leave of AbsenceHey travelers. Sorry I haven't been on the IRC lately. I could say I've been busy with real life things, but that would be a lie... the truth is I haven't been feeling so good for the past month or so and I think it's time to step back from the computer.
Wishing you all the best! Hope to return someday soon.
"in flam!"
-haQ, 2001-10-04
EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Kevin Ærie Kevinson!!!Hail, traveler!
I am pleased to announce that BGODFANS has obtained an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Kevin Ærie Kevinson, director of "Blood Oath"! Head over to the Interviews section for a chat about his new project, his name change and the state of the videogame industry!!
I'd just like to say that this was a really incredible experience for me and I'm so happy I was able to do it! Thanks to everybody for supporting BGODFANS over the years... it's your support that makes everything possible!
"in flam!"
-haQ, 2001-08-19
Will There Ever Be A New Release Date?So.
January 1 came and went. We haven't heard ANYTHING from Kevin OR maniasoft since September of last year (182 days ago). I hope everything is okay with them and their families; too sad to even talk about this right now.
If anybody is reading this, could you come join me on IRC? I'm feeling pretty down.
"in flam!"
-haQ, 2000-03-15
BREAKING: Holy Shit Release Date Announced!!Hail, traveler! There's a release date!!
Latest word from KÆK is: "We are GOING to release Blood God, and we are GOING to release it worldwide at 12:01 am on January 1, 2000. It is happening FOR SURE."
I know people are saying he's a liar and a fraud but I STILL BELIEVE IN KEVIN KEVINSON! Playing "Blood Oath" for the first time was one of the most meaningful experiences I've had in my life, and I know "Blood God" will be the same if we just give Kevin a chance to prove himself. For now I'm just excited that the game is out of Development Hell, and hopefully we'll now be able to reunite as a community!
"in flam!"
-haQ, 1999-05-03
BREAKING: "Blood God" Delayed AgainBGOD is delayed again.
According to KK: "This was a very difficult decision to make, but at maniasoft we believe in releasing only FINISHED videogame products, and Blood God just isn't finished yet". When will it be finished? Nobody knows.
I've got to admit it guys, I'm feeling kind of down about this news. I believe in my heart that BGOD is going to be the best game ever... but what if it doesn't matter what I believe? Anyway there's nothing we can do now except wait and see how events are going to unfold. I love you guys!! Let's stay strong.
"in flam!"
-haQ, 1998-09-22
Join Us on IRC!We have an IRC channel now!
Thanks to community member sLEazyGeEEZE for setting everything up and getting it running. Come join us on QuakeNet at #bgodfans!
"in flam!"
-haQ, 1998-04-22
BREAKING: "Blood God" DelayedWell, I have some really bad news for everybody.
We now have confirmation from KK himself that BGOD will not be hitting its planned release date this November. Unfortunately our journey will have to wait until spring of the following year.
It's disappointing for me since I was hoping to complete an authoritative guide to the game by Christmas and now I'll have to adjust my plans! But these things happen in an industry as innovative and competitive as videogames, so we'll all have to grit our teeth and bear to wait a little longer!
"in flam!"
-haQ, 1998-04-12
Introducing "Masters of Blood"!Hail, traveler!
Ever since I was little, I always wanted to write a book! It took a while for me to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, but it's my goal to get published before graduating highschool so I need to get going now.
"Masters of Blood" will be the title of my forthcoming history of maniasoft: its developers, its games, its legacy. I want to explore subjects like the nature of genius, the intensity of game development and the secrets to building an important work of art!
The introductory chapter is already available here on BGODFANS, with more surely to follow! Stay tuned.
"in flam!"
-haQ, 1997-10-14
New Interviews!Hail, traveler!
I've started a new section just for interviews with the maniasoft team. My plan is to find these from magazines of record, and where possible from academic publications. This way fans can read everything all in one place!
As a future gamemaker myself I find these resources to be extremely critical! Use them wisely.
"in flam!"
-haQ, 1997-09-24
Hello World!Hail, traveler! haQ here. This is the first news post I'm writing for BGOD FANS, but it will not be the last!!
Kevin Kevinson has confirmed that the maniasoft team is HARD AT WORK on the sequel but it won't be done UNTIL IT'S DONE... until then I'll be posting any scraps of info I can find around the web! Stay tuned, killers: It's gonna be a long night!!!
"in flam!"
-haQ, 1997-08-13